Mission 2030 – Decarbonizing the Built Environment

Decarbonizing the built environment is a key element in limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, in line with the Paris Agreement. It also supports the objectives of the European Union's 'Fit for 55' green action plan. Architects and engineers are not only experts in the built environment, they are also highly skilled team players, used to coordinating a wide range of highly specialized disciplines to create a unique outcome. These skills, combined with the latest no-code tools that allow non-software engineers to write code and build software tools without the need for programming skills, can place both disciplines at the forefront of scalable, technology-driven decarbonization solutions.
Supported by experienced entrepreneurs as hosts and guest, the course will teach you all needed methodologies to come up with business ideas in the context of the built environment – and tools to evaluate and develop the ideas.
Creation of business ideas, prototyping and presentation to a large audience during a demo day as part of the TUM Entrepreneurship Day satellite event at the TUM Venture Lab Built Environment.
Architects and engineers are facing increasing competitive pressure due to higher professional requirements, e.g. in energy and cost efficiency, and increasing competition from AI-based software, which is already taking over some of the previous tasks. Nevertheless, architects and engineers too often cling to the classic professional image that positions them exclusively as users of software, but not its creators, and thus places them in increasing direct competition with them.
The course "Mission 2030 - Entrepreneurial Thinking for Architects and Civil Engineers" aims to show an alternative field of activity for architects and engineers as inventors and entrepreneurs of technologies for the built environment. It outlines their particular design skills for the creation of impact-driven innovations.
Apply · until Apr 14, 2023
Apply as Master’s degree student of architecture, engineering, management, informatics, sociology with 2-3 motivation sentences.

Your personal contact · Tobias Förtsch · tobias.foertsch@tum-venture-labs.de