Lucius offers AI-supported quality monitoring for surgical departments, recognizing, reviewing, and sharing good clinical quality at scale. Doctors receive treatment suggestions for their patients. Access to this collection of best practices can save lives. Would you accept a hospital without it?
Founding challenges
One of our biggest technical challenges was effectively dealing with the complexity of medical data, which we were fortunate enough to overcome. Furthermore, German hospitals face a lack of digital capabilities, resulting in delays before the actual work can commence for the hospital.
How VL helped us
The Venture Lab provides invaluable support in connecting us with potential partners and fellow startups. The infrastructure at Neherstrasse is precisely tailored to our needs, enabling us to bring the team together for productive workshops and the coffee chat every organisation needs.
Advice for founders
Healthcare is hard. Regulatory complexities, high entry barriers, and the need for extensive domain expertise are some oft he reasons. However, their is almost no bigger industry with such a immense need for innovations and in the end you can claim to help people. This is powerful.